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Your 7 Mandates from Heaven…

By December 22, 2017Happiness, Miracle Making

Hey Miracle Maker!

Are you starting to think about 2019 & what you want to create? Well, good!! You can start NOW to make 2019 your most divine year yet.

Right now with the Equinox portal that just opened AND the fact that it’s the Full Moon today (Sept 24/25th)it’s the PERFECT time to start setting your intentions for the New Year… Don’t wait until December… Start feeling into it ALL now. 

You’re here for a reason. You can feel the shift within you and the intensities of the energies surrounding you as we near the end of the year. You have a suspicion that your mission should be bigger and more heart-centred.

So, in response to these intense energies, Spirit gave me some very specific, down to earth, and, frankly, heavy-hitting information with an innate sense of urgency, because all of us need a little “tough love” at the end of the year.

These 7 Mandates From Heaven are energy-leaks that we are all guilty of, but if you truly want to start rocking your mission, having the energy for it, and taking radical care of your soul, these are the ‘practical’ things that you can do to preserve your energy and protect your soul so that you can STRIKE like lightning and start taking Sacred Action.

Before you begin taking it all in, get centered and grounded in yourself. Some of these seven things might really JUMP out at you, and some might not even apply to you at all: discard the points that don’t serve you, and really listen for the ones that resonate with you. Even if only one or two of these resonate with you, they will help you to conserve your energy, and, before you know it, you’ll have a massive storehouse of energy and LOVE to start creating the projects and visions that you’ve been dreaming of!

Let’s begin.


1) Quit Dumping Your Energy Into People and Projects That Give You Very Little in Return

So, what does this mean to you? Really feel into it. Where in your life are you putting energy into constantly that you’re not getting anything back? Where in your life are you stretching yourself thin and, perhaps, secretly building up resentment?

All of this energy you’re expending on these projects or people is energy that you can save up and use to help you achieve your vision. Don’t underestimate the energy that you’re putting into these things!

Here’s the question: When you think about it, is it a “F*CK YES!” or simply a “No”? If it’s not a “F*CK YES!” then it’s not worth wasting your energy on it.

This will be the year of acts of service. You have the opportunity to step into a higher level when it comes to being of service.

2) Quit Lying to Yourself About How Unworthy You Are

Stop it! Pretending to be small isn’t helping yourself or the people that you are on this planet to serve.

Spirit is directly telling you to STOP it! STOP acting like you have nothing to offer and step into the truth of who you are. STOP lying to yourself that you don’t know what you’re doing, look into your soul, and you will find that your soul knows exactly what you’re doing!

It may scare you, it will definitely excite you, but you need to DO SOMETHING about it!

Fake it till you make it! Move forward and make it happen, whatever your soul is calling you to do!

3) Quit Messing Around with People Who Abuse You

You aren’t here to make everyone else happy or to appease them. You are here to show up, and that means showing up for yourself first. You deserve more and you know it, so make the changes that you need to make and don’t look back.

If you, or anyone around you, is still saying “yes” to an abusive relationship, there is a pathway out of abuse.

Get yourself, or others, out of abusive relationships and on this pathway out: it’s time to get real and find people who deserve your love & kindness.

Put yourself in environments, and with people, that support your sensitive heart.

4) Quit hiding your gifts and your wisdom, and put yourself out there for others to see

If you’re dreaming of having a successful, heartfelt business, NOW is the time to let people see how amazing you are! You can’t do this is you’re still playing shy.

Start taking BOLD actions to be seen, and start owning what you know! This is your truth, and the world needs you right now. STOP being shy, START speaking up, and tell the truth. STOP hiding.

BOLD actions produce BOLD rewards.

5) Quit being cashless

I see this every day: WHY do the most amazing people not have cash? There is so much power in what you do, but you cannot step into your power if you are not properly funded.

Ask Spirit for an avalanche of cash to come to you ON TAP, and then go out and get it! We don’t want the greedy people to keep the cash – you deserve it, and it needs to come to YOU!

Prayer is a big support, but the next step is to get creative about cash. Take this seriously! There are whole different ways to make cash out there through your soul, your intuition, and your creativity.

We need spiritual, heart-centered millionaires on the planet making a HUGE difference! Think like a mogul.

6) Quit Focusing on Finding Prince or Princess Charming

Here’s the trick: instead of focusing on finding Prince or Princess Charming, focus on how you’re going to make your mission or your vision your ultimate lover! Start pumping that sexual energy into your mission! In doing so, you will become radiant and magnetic.

Like attracts like: when you live a life you are inspired by, you inspire others. When you live a life you’re attracted to, you become attractive. But, in order to be attractive, you have to get your foundation in order! Be the person that you want to attract.

Make love to your heartfelt business or mission.

7) Quit Wallowing in Confusion and Begin Taking Sacred Action

Here’s a new daily meditation for you: each day, ask yourself during a meditative state “How can I serve?” or “How can I serve today?”. Put your hand over your heart and LISTEN.

Confusion is an illusion. You know exactly what your first step is and what you need to do. Just SLOW DOWN. You are wise beyond anything you can imagine – you’ve got everything that you need inside of you. Take action – get angry! What gets you jazzed? What do you want to sink your teeth into? These are great places to start.

We need the power shift to happen, and this won’t actually happen until we all start owning who we are! Take yourself seriously, because no one will take you seriously until YOU do. This begins with YOU, and it begins now.

When you start doing life for yourself, you will be divinely, unequivocally supported.

Command the respect of who you are as a beautiful being who is here to create impact. How do you want your life to be upgraded? If you want that upgrade, take these 7 Mandates from Heaven seriously.

Did you enjoy this special complementary healing offering? If this was right up your alley, I think you’re going to absolutely fall in love with my 3 Part Free Angel Healing Series, https://coringrillo.com/angel-healing-series/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” data-cke-saved-href=”https://coringrillo.com/angel-healing-series/“>Ignite Your Spiritual Awakening & Rock Your Divine Magic.

My 3 Part Webinar Series begins TOMORROW, September 25th, at 12PM PT, so reserve your spot before it’s too late! 

To RSVP go here >> https://coringrillo.com/angel-healing-series/

>> For more details click HERE.

Sign up here: www.coringrillo.com/angel-healing-series/