
 CONGRATULATIONS & WELCOME, Future Certified Angel Alchemist!

Welcome future Angel Alchemist!

You may already be a healer, or you may simply be curious about learning more about angel energy, healing, and the immense spiritual power inside of you.

Whatever the case, I am happy that you found the Angel Alchemy Academy and I know that it’s no accident.

You see, I ask the angels and spirit to bring me the people whose secret soul mission is to bring love, beauty, healing, and miracles to the planet.

Our Academy is a collective of healers, intuitives, earth angels, and lightworkers committed to awakening our intuitive healing power and serving our families, communities, and even the world.

Get ready to discover more about who you really are, open your healing gifts, and learn how to work with Angels to create miraculous healing in the hearts, minds, and lives of others.

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Angel Alchemy is an intuitive healing modality that promotes the radical art and science of invoking Source and Angel Energy to produce MIRACLES in the hearts, minds, bodies, and lives of the people, animals, and communities that we serve.

The work that you will learn in the Angel Alchemy Academy is profound and there are many true miracles that my students have produced after graduating in this program.

In this program you will learn…

  • How to read Angel Oracle cards
  • Chakra and Energy body clearing
  • Mediumship
  • Channeling
  • Survival Skills and Self-Care for Empaths
  • Cord-cutting
  • Angel Channeling
  • Clearing and Identifying unconscious patterns
  • Healing underlying toxic beliefs and addictions with Source energy
  • Basics for creating miracles with the help of the Creator and the Angels.

…and that’s just a few of the things we will cover!

You will also receive support in building your own rocking spiritual business and get access to my international clientele!

By the end of 6 months you will have profound confidence in your intuitive healing abilities, and will have several REAL testimonials from people around the world giving you praise!!

Not to mention, you will have an undeniable connection with the Angels and the Creator.

Here are what some of my students had to say about this training:


” I began this training hoping I could learn to work with the angels and heal my physical ailments. What I received was far beyond my expectations. I learned to fully trust my angels and my own self. I learned to love myself, love the little girl in me, learned to love all around me unconditionally and be of service to others. This training has revealed my darkest fears and limitations and taught me to transmute them into my own personal power. I am a renewed soul since joining this training and I am forever grateful to Corin for this fantastic, angel powered, kick-ass program! 

– Vanessa Hansen, Connecticut


” I have changed so much over these 6 months. I used to be depressed, my body was full of disease, my home was filled with despair and in total disarray, but no more. Through Corin’s teachings, I can honestly say “I Woke Up”, now each and every morning I awaken with gratitude for my life, my family, and most importantly Love …Love for ALL that is. 

– Grace Weir, Scotland


” Corin, I type this elated with excitement and reflection. This year has been a year of unbelievable spiritual change. Clearing out of huge amounts of clutter…I feel the power and spiritual strength growing in me. I am awakened and I know I am being divinely guided by creator, the angels and my spirit guides.

I realize that I am meant to assist others in guiding them to connect into the universal consciousness of spirit… Money is flowing to me in abundance, and now I know that my life will always be full of love and peace because that is what I seek.

In the beginning of our training I wanted to know why am I here, what is my purpose, and I wanted help to find what I am meant to do. Over the course of this year, I have witnessed what some may call miracles.

Corin, thank you for the exceptional course that I took from you this year, and for teaching me and guiding me to the place I stand today 

– Theresa DeAnda


Your miraculous life is just around the corner!

Xoxo Corin
