Angel Healing
Ignite your Spiritual Awakening and Rock your Divine Magic
Welcome to this 3-part Angel Series designed to support awakening humans in accelerating their true potential and purpose.
Click the videos below to watch the webinars now:
How to Decode Divine Guidance from the Angels
In this training you will:
- Receive an angelic energy attunement to boost your ability to understand Angelic communication.
- Understand how the angels communicate with you specifically (everyone has their unique way).
- Learn how symbols from the Angels can help point you to your highest, best, direction to take to set your life free.
- Discern true angelic guidance from false guidance.
- Meet the Archangels you can work with to open up your communication with the Angels.
Psychic self-defense for Empaths, Sensitives, and Healers

In this training you will:
- Receive a powerful energy clearing from Archangel Michael to lift the darkness from your energy field and reignite your spiritual power.
- Understand how to shield yourself against and become more resilient towards the negative energy that blankets this planet.
- Learn about the different types of negative entities and how they block you from pursuing your deepest dreams.
- Learn a simple way to check if you are under the influence of dark energies and how to get rid of them.
- Learn how the angels can help you stay invisible and resilient to psychic attack from both humans and dark energies.
Step into Your Divine Gifts and Manifest the Miracle of Abundance

In this training you will:
- Learn the keys to manifesting miracles of wealth, health and love (they are really the same thing!)
- Learn what it takes to become a master channel of the Divine so that the Divine doesn’t just work for you, it works through you.
- Learn to manifest financial miracles through your heart-centered business.
- Connect to the Collective Angelic Field to anchor and activate your new Miraculous life.