We all have that little voice inside our heads that tells us what to do or not to do. But it can be ultra easy to let doubt set in and go against that inner voice, only to regret it later. So the question is, how can you tap into…
All around the world, Indigenous peoples honor their ancestors and their connection with nature in so many beautiful and powerful ways. From dance performances to sacred rituals, these folks celebrate their ancestry because they believe that their ancestors have given them unique gifts to help guide them through life. And…
Alchemy is the ancient science of transforming base metals like lead into precious metals like silver or gold. This half-experimental, half- magical process involves raising the vibration and energy of the metal so intensely that it actually changes. Pretty cool, right? These days, there’s a beautiful correlation between this science…
If you’re looking for an abundance boost, working with Archangel Ariel is an amazing place to start! Known as the Lion of God, Ariel has an ultra fierce and passionate energy that helps protect and heal. Their central message is “You are always connected to the abundance and power of…
Have you been feeling a bit lost lately? Don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone. A new year is here, and for lots of folks that means it’s time to start thinking about their purpose, goals, and what they want to achieve for the future. This can be an ultra overwhelming…
I’ve been having massive downloads this week about the major collective soul expansion happening right now and wanted to give you some tips on how to surf these cosmic tides. Right now we are being squeezed through what feels like a cosmic pinhole in order to help us let go…
Happy New Year! Spirit is screaming at me to give you this message so pretty please read. It’s a little long, but it’s important:Many heart-centered humans like yourself, feel a deep longing to go BIG in 2020. You want to serve BIGGER. To love BIGGER. To earn BIGGER. And to…
Today I want to discuss getting rid of those pesky, negative voices in your head (that are not yours!) that are trying to take over your space… This could be one of the most important exercises I ever lead you through… I previously did a Facebook Live about “Clearing Negative Entities” and I’m going…
Dear Mystic, Angel, Empath, and Healer, Welcome! There is a flame that is burning inside of you that is nothing less than divine and the Angels are calling you now because it’s time to set the divinity inside of you free. The Angels and I, and the entire community of…