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Feel the Fear & Do It Anyways

So you guys know I wasn’t really born this way, right?

I had a big angel experience and then everything cracked open.

> My spiritual gifts cracked open,
> I realized I had some healing powers,
> I had a connection with the divine,
> My intuition started opening up!

… then I started playing hard core by beginning to take this work very seriously.

I don’t know why I knew to take it seriously, but I knew to start, even if it was irrational. Soon after the first miracle I witnessed (with the bird dividing itself) I signed up for this crazy ass angel program.

It was few thousand dollars, it was in Hawaii, and it was only 4 days!
My house was going into foreclosure, I was on the verge of going into divorce… I just felt like we were separating… so I was trying to hustle because we had huge amounts of debt, and I could not stop my hustle. I had to go learn about angels.

So I pulled my husband aside and said, “I saw this thing, I want to go. I know I shouldn’t go, because we don’t have the cash, and if I do go, it’s going to be a few thousand dollars that we don’t have… You and our child can’t go with me because then we really can’t afford it…”…

I asked to go to Hawaii, by myself, to learn about angels and really that’s where it all started. He thought I was fucking crazy!

And I knew I was crazy because I had no intention of doing angel work. I mean that’s ridiculous. I was a psychotherapist, I didn’t need angel work I already had a job!

But I needed angel work, on a deeper level, I needed it. I could feel the pull in a way that I have never allowed myself to be pulled in. I had invested in myself, always only for practical reasons.

So I said, “Hey! I want to take myself to Hawaii to learn about angels,” … he felt it, he supported it.

So I went… built some confidence to start doing it and not just for myself but for others.
That’s when my life started really getting good, I started feeling like this rhythm with me, this flow with me, and…

My faculty of my intuitions started skyrocketing. 

When you decide to start working for spirit… when you do it out of service of others, and it’s in complete alignment because you’re working for angels / working for god… your life has no choice but to undergo rapid transformation.

So I was NOT born this way! I was a crazy seeker who took some fucked up, irrational risks. We were in the process of foreclosure! We had no cash! I was in severe debt!

Had I not listened I would still feel trapped, I would still never have truly understood my magic, and…

I’ve now been able to touch so many beautiful lives, all over the world.

I want to invite you to check into those areas of your life, that you’re not letting yourself get to, that you’re not saying yes to, that you’re not allowing yourself to really dream a different dream (even if you don’t know where it’s headed!).

And where are you saying “I don’t have the time for that”. I didn’t have the time to take my ass to Hawaii, but I went anyways.

I didn’t have the cash to take myself to Hawaii, but I went anyways.

I had no intention of making money by learning about angels, but I went anyways. And I knew it sounded crazy, but I went anyways. So where are you holding yourself back?

Skip Netflix and give yourself 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to free-write wherever you feel you’re holding yourself back. Awareness is the first step to transformation.

> Keep laughing,
> don’t forget you’re the authority of your life,
> make sure that you decide the direction that you want to head in
> and then you ask for angelic support.

Love to you all, thanks for being apart of this beautiful community. Keep doing your daily practices.

P.S. Want to be a kick-ass healer?

The ANGEL ALCHEMY ACADEMY (our 6 month angel intuitive healing course) has opened it’s doors and is NOW accepting applications.

> Find out more here
