Yay Angel Channeler!

You are in for a treat!  The angels and I are so happy that you said YES to this incredible angelic event.

We will be sending you out all of details on how to prepare for the event in the coming weeks.

Keep your eyes peeled for synchronicities, angel clouds, and feathers!  The angels love getting your attention, especially right before these angel deep-dives!!

You’ll be hearing from me shortly.  Until then, make sure to ask the angels every morning to let you know that they are with you, and ask them to release you from any worries that you have.  They will start working with you BEFORE our magical event!!

Help is on the WAY! And get ready to experience some serious Angel Magic!!

We will see you in December!!
xoxo Corin-Sig

P.S.  For those of you that are live-streaming the event, we will be getting you the call in instructions shortly.  Please email Ros at if you have any questions!