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Tips To Help You Surf the Cosmic Ups and Downs

I’ve been having massive downloads this week about the major collective soul expansion happening right now and wanted to give you some tips on how to surf these cosmic tides.

Right now we are being squeezed through what feels like a cosmic pinhole in order to help us let go of lifetimes of crap and expand at a soul level.

Can you feel it? You may be feeling disoriented, anxious, confused, disinterested, overwhelmed, frustrated, or like you want to jump out of your skin. If you are further along in the process, you are finally beginning to catch the new rays of light, love, support, and amazing magic.

I hope you’re experiencing the latter, but if not, I have some tips for you on some ultra-simple things you can do to help the process along:

  1. Be Patient – You don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Think of yourself as a brand new baby. Babies can’t eat, sleep, or even wipe their sweet little asses alone. So when your soul is undergoing reconstruction, it’s the same thing. Now is not the time to have it all figured out. Now’s the time to let go and take good gentle care of yourself.
  2. Silence and Space – Your soul is calling you to do things differently. Please give yourself permission to tap out of the usual programming and spend time being absolutely silent. Meditate, look inward., ask yourself questions like, “What really lights me up?”  Do this often.
  3. Breathe – Deep layers of karmic shit are trying to get out of your body, so to help it along do some conscious breathing down through your belly for at least 5 minutes a day.
  4. Pray for the World – Cuz we need it and big blessings come to all us when we focus on things like Love, Beauty, Harmony, Peace and spread all those good vibes into the world. Do it.

I’ll have a whole lot more to say about this soon, so until then, enjoy the ride. And remember, you are not alone. Your angels are here to help you through this process. Let them.