There is nothing wrong with you. You are already perfect. You are beautiful. You are powerful beyond imagination. You ARE magic.
Your magic has simply been invaded by a virus that you inherited from your ancestors and from our culture at large.
This virus is the #1 cause of suffering in the world. War, deforestation, slavery, genocide, famine, and poverty are ALL the fruits of this global epidemic. It dominates our world and its symptoms can be seen permeating the airwaves of every news station and across all media outlets worldwide. Yet it remains invisible to both modern medicine and modern governments. Why? Did you know that viruses have their own intelligence and actually evolve over time? The reason why HIV was so deadly was because it was a new virus. HIV was essentially too young and too dumb to understand how to live off of its host without killing it, thereby killing itself. But an ancient virus… an ancient virus would have the time to adapt and to evolve. An ancient virus could become so masterful and so wise that it could create a seamless, undetectable, and symbiotic relationship between it and its host. So much so, that the humans carrying this disease might be hypnotized into believing that the symptoms of the infection are simply part of the human experience.Paranoia, greed, anxiety, control, hatred, judgement, self-loathing, envy, victimization, shame, guilt, self-doubt, violence, anger, ignorance, resentment, helplessness, and selfishness are all parts of this highly evolved virus.ALL the suffering and atrocities that humanity has endured on this planet and within our own lives share the same single source.
FEAR. Fear is a virus of the human soul. It’s why we hurt each other. It’s why we hurt ourselves. It’s why we allow ourselves to play small. It’s why we allow ourselves to feel unloved. It’s why we stay trapped in situations that hurt our hearts. It’s the only reason why we feel alone. It separates us from each other and from ourselves. It makes us ignorant to the truth of who we are. It numbs us to the suffering of others. It blocks us from Love. From Freedom. From Innocence. From Beauty. From Peace. From Joy. From our own Spirit.So with a disease that seems to be as widespread as the oxygen in the air, and for millennia has infiltrated the deepest reaches of the Soul of humanity, how on earth do we step out of this mass enslavement? Luckily, the strength of this disease depends on its invisibility and the total unconsciousness of its host. When you begin to see the truth behind the fear, fear loses its strength. All that you have to do is shift your focus:
- Instead of focusing on what is wrong, focus on what is right in your life.
- Focus on the miracles happening for you daily. If you don’t see them, then you are simply not paying attention.
- Surround yourself with positive people and positive environments, so that you feel loved, supported, and accepted in all that you are.
- Stop blaming others for the harm that they have caused you. After all, they are infected too.
- Replace feeling victimized with feeling compassion. Easier said than done, but TOTALLY possible.
- Commit to Joy and to your own Happiness (It’s not selfish, It’s mandatory).
- Listen to your heart (literally) and take courageous steps to craft a life that will create more peace, more connection, more community, and more love in your life.
- Call on a higher power and all of your invisible support, like angels and guides, to help you manifest miracles in your life.
- Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude for all the awesomeness in your life right now, and for the Wisdom that you have gained from the effed up messes along the way that got you here.
- Learn to accept even your darkest bits. It will give you the space to accept the darkest bits of others.
- Take radical responsibility for the conditions of your life and know that if you don’t like them, ONLY YOU can make things better.
- Learn how to say HELL YES to yourself more often than you say HELL NO!
- Learn about your energy body and take impeccable care of it. This one step can be a major game changer.
- Ask “How can I serve?”, more than, “What’s in it for me?”
- Last but not least, learn how to say Adíos to any toxic influences that stand in your way.
When fear begins to lose its grip on you, your heart will begin to open and you will become more sensitive. Most of us were taught that being sensitive is a weakness. That was a lie. When your sensitivity grows it means that you are becoming more human, more ALIVE.
You are disarming the virus that has eluded humanity for generations.
If you need to cry, cry! If you need to yell, yell! If you need to rest, rest! An open heart may feel vulnerable at first, but we need to redefine what vulnerable is. This feeling simply means that your heart is regaining its original, powerful intelligence.
Know this. Your heart will lead you out of suffering. Your heart knows how to protect itself. Your heart has all the answers. Your heart is a magical beast waiting to set you free. Your heart will show you the Truth about you and in case you missed it,
There is nothing wrong with you. You are already perfect. You are beautiful. You are powerful beyond imagination. You ARE magic.
Fear is a virus. Your heart is the antidote.
Celebrate your sensitivity. We need you to be sensitive.
The irrational whispers of your heart will lead you to a supremely more rational life.
When your heart is awake it will inflame the hearts around you. You will become a magnet for awesomeness, magic, and miracles, and best of all, you will be able to share this gift with others.
Be still. Listen. Let go of fear. Move forward fearlessly. And then of course, set your magic free!