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Magical Manifesting Through Shamanic Healing For An Enriched And Better Life With Oge Udeogu

By October 14, 2021Podcast

TGV S2 7 | Magical Manifesting

As humans, we have to make sure our souls are nourished with the amount of healing we need so we can love others wholeheartedly. A meditation guru is here to give us a lot of valuable insights on shamanic healing and cultural practices. Oge Udeogu is a 5th generation shaman, Manifestation expert, Meditation guru, and certified Reiki master. In this episode, he joins Corin Grillo to deeply dive into the wisdom of spirituality, manifestation, and living a life with purpose. He shares how his life changed forever when the pandemic started—shifting his focus and finding passion in empowering others to unleash the best version of themselves. Tune in to learn how to tap into your inner self, connect to your spiritual guide, and make your life meaningful.

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Magical Manifesting Through Shamanic Healing For An Enriched And Better Life With Oge Udeogu

I have to introduce you to the next guest that I’m so excited that he’s here. I’m star-struck. His name is Oge Udeogu. He’s a fifth-generation shaman, a manifestation expert, a meditation guru and a certified Reiki master. His clientele includes high-profile business owners, models, athletes and celebrities. He has built a following on social media of over 150,000 people spreading the wisdom of spirituality, manifestation and teaching people like you how to use their energy to create the life they truly want. Oge developed a signature five-step process to ensure long-lasting full-spectrum, energetic and shamanic healing.

What’s very cool about Oge is that he grew up in Nigeria and is a former All-American football player, and was on his way to the NFL when his life took a huge turn. The ancestors chose him to wake up as he was visited in his dream by his dead grandfather and was shown his soul journey, which is to continue their lineage of shamanic healers and empower others to become the truest versions of themselves. Oge, this is an incredible story. Tell me about the shamanic tradition that you come from.

I’m Nigerian. We come from a lineage of dibia or also called shamans. I’m a fifth-generation and I didn’t know this for a long time because Christianity came to Nigeria and told them all of our practices were demonic, and we needed to follow Christianity and all that. My family kept this as a deep secret for a little bit. If my grandfather had then come into my dreams, I probably wouldn’t have known.

I have to tell you I was going to ask you about that. Being a fifth-generation shaman in any of the colonized countries, it’s like, “How did you keep that lineage alive with the intensity that happened?” My father is from Puerto Rico and my grandfather was Espiritismo, which is like a Creole, a mix of Santerian, all the things, but it was also like, “We’re Christian.”

What was so crazy for me also, he didn’t come to me in my dreams. I met my grandfather once. My father took me to the island one time to meet them. He died young from alcoholism, but I found out he was a high priest and a channel or a medium and all this stuff. What is fascinating is that when I have psychic readings, my grandfather has tried to butt in.

They’re like, “Do you have a grandfather?” I’m like, “Yeah, but I hardly knew him.” I feel like there’s that resonance. It’s like, “They see themselves in you and you’re going to carry it.” As I’ve been studying Espiritismo, which is my lineage, I realized I’m already doing so much of the stuff unconsciously that I didn’t even know. Tell me about your process when you started waking up to your indigenous roots and that you had these abilities. Tell me about this convo with grandpa.

I was playing football up until quarantine, pretty much. That’s when my life changed. During quarantine, I had to take a pause from everything and that’s when he came to me. I’ve been doing this for a time. It took an opportunity right where they saw I could be available to listen. They took advantage of it and I’m very grateful for it.

You’re like, “Forget it, NFL. I’m going to be who I am. I’m going to take a different route.” Was that a tough choice to make? Tell me about that process because my followers or the people who read this, a lot of them are on a spiritual journey or maybe have had a spiritual activation and don’t quite know what to do with it. Tell me a little bit about that journey for you.

To be honest, it was tough because having to make a complete switch, I used to care about what other people thought. I was honestly looking at it, “How is this going to be received by others?” I had to go through whole extensive healing to understand that what matters is how I feel and resonating with my truest self. It doesn’t matter what others think, but it definitely was a tough switch because I spent so much time playing football, but it didn’t bring me as much fulfillment. I was good at it, but it didn’t bring me fulfillment.

That is such a genius point because I think a lot of us are trapped in the things that we happened to be good at. We get tracked in that direction. It’s like, “You’re good at this. Keep going.” You don’t check in sometimes with your heart or at a soul level. Like, “What am I here for? What’s going to make me feel like I have a bigger purpose?” First, I want to pull a polar card for you. They’re super simple cards.

I’m going to read the message, see how it provokes you and how it applies to what’s happening for you now. Take a few breaths with me and we’ll call in your guides, angels, ancestors and all of your huge posse. It’s a birdie deck. You got blue jay. It’s very ancestral. I feel the ancestors peeking through here. It says, “The time is right to access and master your abilities. It says to do so with humility and control.” That’s what it says. Tell me how that provokes. I got chills from that.

I love that. I’m also getting chills on my end too. I’m a fire sign, a very heavy fire. I’m a Sagittarius. It’s interesting that you say that because part of the message they have given to me for an extended period of time is learning to control this fire that burns within me. A controlled flame is ultimately the strongest and most impactful version of myself. I think it’s interesting that’s the card you drew, but that’s something that has been a theme since I woke up to continue to control my flame.

Take a pause from everything, examine your life, and take the opportunity to explore what you really want to achieve.

That is such a beautiful image about controlling the flame. I feel like when I first got activated, I felt like a dragon in the human world and like this fire-breathing dragon. It’s like, “Simmer down, girl. Tone it down a little bit, learn how to channel that goodness.” I feel like I was. You’re secretly like fire beings as well. I am Sagittarius moon, if that counts.

Let’s tell this story about how we “met.” I got this email from Oge, who I’d never met before and it said something along the lines of, “How’s your book selling? I talked about your book on my TikTok channel and it went viral.” I checked it out. It looked like there was a sale in spikes. I don’t know if I told you this, but I got an email from my publisher saying, “Were you on TV again? We’re noticing the sales. Did this Gaia episode come out?” I was like, “Not that I know of.” I said, “It’s TikTok.”

They’re like, “This is the first time we’d ever had a TikTok jackpot.” I’m like, “I’m glad you guys are jackpotting because my percentage is not that much.” I thought that was so cool. I checked out your TikTok and fell in love instantly with the work that you’re doing. It’s authentic. What’s the word inspired, and you’re stoked on what you’re talking about, which is so inspiring for me as well. Tell me about that period for you and what had happened.

Honestly, I found out that Archangel Metatron was one of my main spirit guides. What I wanted to do was I wanted to connect more to the angels. What I do is I hop online, do some research, and whatever calls to me, I go with it. This was before I knew anything about you and your book stuck out to me. I wanted to transform my life. I went ahead and purchased that book. Through the 30 days that I did the meditations every morning, I changed my whole life. I structured a morning routine and implemented meditation into that. It was incredible the changes that came into my life.

I love hearing those stories about how the angels jump in there, help us out and guide us. That is so cool that you discovered Metatron as one of your main angelic home slices. Are you still working a lot with Metatron?

I was looking to buy a new car and I had to see out my current car. I was struggling with finding someone who would not only purchase it but purchase it for my asking price. You have the day where it’s on money. I think it was Day 17. Literally, I finished the meditation, and I came out. All of a sudden, I got a call, and they’re like, “Can you meet here? We want to buy your car for your asking price.”

I ended up getting $500 more. It was incredible. I was like, “I have to make a video about this.” My audience is receptive to what I put out. I don’t put out and support that many books or brands. It was awesome that people went and bought the book and came back and told me how much it helped them. It’s awesome.

How long has this TikTok channel been around then? Have you only been doing it for a year?

Yeah. I’m taking a little bit of a break to scale back the rebrand. Finally, I’m able to start getting back into it. In about eight months, I built a following of probably over 145,000.

I wanted to break that down for our readers because, again, some people are getting the inspiration to step out of the box a little bit, do some weird shit, be an inspirer, but something holds them back. What was it inside of you? Did you doubt whether or not you wanted to do it? What was your process when you decided, “I’m going to listen to my guidance and I’m going for it?”

I’ve been someone who has always listened to their gut-growing up. I didn’t realize that after I learned like intuition and how you’re tied to your intuition, it made sense. Through a certain point of playing football, I started doubting myself a lot. It was nice to fall back and listen to my intuition finally. It was kind of weird. Even my parents were like, “What are you doing? Is this devil work?” I continued to tune back into myself and reassurance for my inner self on a soul level helped me continue on this path.

That sounds like a very similar threshold and the whole, “Is it devil’s work.” That is the thing for many of us because we’re so indoctrinated into the religions that demonified anything that was natural or indigenous. In my career, I get a lot of hate mail. The things that they say are so fun like, “You’re a Jezebel and you dance with the devil.” That almost sounds like a compliment. I’m almost going to take that, “Thank you.”

Magical Manifesting: It doesn’t matter what others think. What’s important is you are your truest self.

That’s how you got to take it. People don’t understand to the level that they’ve been programmed. They can only meet you where they’ve met themselves. I’ve gotten some hate on TikTok about people not resonating with what I’m doing, but it’s been helpful for the other side of people who are being impacted positively by this.

I didn’t know before I started because I think we all have the sense of we’re going to get haters and judge and all this stuff and it’s all true. We do get hated on and are judged when we start coming out of the spiritual closet on any level. I had to come out of the angel closet. What we don’t know is that the people that we serve, the people that love the work, far outweigh the haters by so much. That’s always the saving grace in the inspiration. You went through a rebrand. What are you working on? How are you working to serve now? How has that changed in 2020?

I found a way because my audience is receptive to what I put out. I used to sell a lot of herbs to my audience and spiritual products, crystals and that wasn’t bringing me exactly where I wanted. I’ve centered it more or around one-on-one sessions because I truly enjoy doing energy healing. As I’ve continued to wake up to gifts, it’s become more and more what I’m being towards doing. That’s where I’ve been at with that.

You say you developed a signature process for the healing work that you do. Can you tell us a little bit more about that and how it came to be?

It was interesting. I got certified as a Reiki master. It fell into my lap too. I wanted to develop something that wasn’t just Reiki and I wanted to implement some practices for my culture and shamanic practices that I picked up along the way. I called it the four Cs, Charge, Chill, Connect and Clarify. Each one caters to a certain state of being and I tailor it to what specifically you need.

It seems like you have already, in such a short amount of time, worked with a lot of interesting people. You said the athletes. How did that come to be? How did they find you or how did you find them?

A lot of it is on social media. It’s been interesting because I moved to LA. That was part of the transformation that I did was after the meditation. I wanted to change my life, move to LA, and started doing the work out here. When I came out here, it fell into my lap, and that’s when I was like, “Yeah, this is meant to be.” It was awesome the kind of people that I’ve been able to work with.

That’s sometimes how it works. Where did you move from?

I’ve been all over the world. I moved from Nigeria to America in 2011. I spent a lot of time in the Midwest playing football and then during quarantine, my partner and I moved to Santa Cruz, and then we decided to make the jump over to LA. It was interesting because I made a whole vision board pretty much utilized a bunch of manifestation techniques, the book and kind of transformed my life. I’m living the exact life that I wanted to and planned out back then. It’s been awesome.

You’re up on the manifesting. Is the manifesting something new, or have you been in that realm for a while, and now you’re claiming it more loudly?

Yes. I think it’s something that I’ve always been doing. I’ve always been very good at manifesting. I didn’t realize when I started doing research and reading up on the Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Quantum Science, and all that, it was interesting. I was like, “This stuff is backed by science and it makes sense how I’ve been able to do it for so long.” I reclaimed that and was able to express it.

You give some fun sound bites on your TikTok. One of your quotes here is, “Manifesting is not about what you want. It’s about what you are.” Can you speak a little bit more on that?

People don’t understand to the level that they’ve been programmed. They can only meet you where they’ve met themselves.

Yeah. I’m big on embodying the frequency of what it is that you want and resonating at a certain vibrational frequency of gratitude. It’s something even for me that I battled throughout my career was fear versus gratitude. When I did all the research, I realized that when you resonate with fear, you essentially draw in realities that are fully based on fear. That’s why I preach that embodying what it is that you are and what it is that you want will help you draw in exactly what you want.

What’s a way that someone could embody versus desire? What’s a strategy or a way that they could do that?

For me, what is it when you were a kid or younger that would bring you a lot of joy? For some people, it could be playing video games or certain music. I’m big on using music to channel and bring in the feelings that you’re wanting. That’s usually my number one is utilizing music and dancing.

What I like about that also is that it’s got a little more fire in it. When I think of how people are taught to manifest, generally, it’s like, “Look at a dream board which is flat,” but singing and dancing bring in our natural frequency, our joy. When I talk about invocation, I tell people like they can sing because it does. It sweetens the spirits a little bit. They love it.

Music is one of the most powerful things that we’ve been blessed with in this reality.

Yeah. It’s so true. I’m wondering from your perspective, as opposed to thinking that manifesting is about what you want versus who you are, have you come across any other misconceptions about manifesting that some people are following, but you’re like, “That’s good, but it’s not. We need to tweak it up a little bit?”

I think this idea that people are like, “I don’t want to do anything wrong because I’ll manifest something wrong.” Essentially looking at it like they can never make a mistake or be human essentially is what I haven’t liked that I’ve seen. I think the universe has a much more in-depth understanding of who you are as a person. It’s not as black and white, so I have to be good or I have to be bad and what’s going to change how I manifest.

In the spiritual community, as it is, there is this internalized, whatever it is, need for perfection. Everybody has to have their shit together or even speak on spiritual things. You feel like there’s this pressure to have all of your shit together before you start flapping your lips and talking about what inspires you. Did you feel the same pressure? Who am I to talk about these things?

I realize that as long as I’m talking from my experience. That’s what my TED Talk was finding stuff that had resonated with me and helped me. If I’m speaking from my experience, there’s no way that it can be discounted from anyone because it’s my experience.

I definitely went through that same trajectory because I was not a religious person prior. All of a sudden, I’m talking about angels, and then I cuss. I don’t fit the model of what you’d think an angel person would look or act like. It was like the same thing. Speaking for my own experience and if anybody wants to listen, “Here it is, guys.” I think a lot of people roadblock themselves because they feel like they don’t have every box checked off yet before they’re finally cooked and ready. That moment essentially never comes. I’m still waiting for it.

I always like to tell people, “Go for it.” We all have something special to share. We all have our own light to share and don’t let anything hold you back from sharing that.

It’s so refreshing. I think that’s one of the things I love about TikTok. Whereas like in other platforms, it’s polished like, “I have my shit together and I better speak.” What I love about TikTok is real people. Real people sharing their wisdom and I find it so refreshing. I didn’t even look on TikTok until 2020. I was investigating other ways to share my message. I got so enraptured in what was happening on there, at least, in my algorithm, my channel. I met some hilarious people, which was so inspiring. Especially when you see what’s happening on social media, a lot of it is not inspiring. TikTok is so inspiring and seeing people’s genius shine. That must have been fricking amazing when your TikTok channels started popping off. What was that like?

TGV S2 7 | Magical Manifesting

Magical Manifesting: Embody the frequency of what it is that you want. When you resonate with fear, you draw in realities that are fully based on fear. Embodying what it is you want will help you draw in exactly what you want.

Honestly, it was cool. When I started my first viral video, I gained 30,000 followers in two days. It was incredible. It was a great time.

What was that first viral video? What was it about?

It was on how to connect with your spirit guides. It was like the different ways you can connect with your spirit guides. A lot of people were receptive to it.

People love that stuff.

People are very interested in it.

They are. In the work that I do, I think one of the main questions is, “How do I talk to my angels?” It’s like a spiritual Renaissance right now where we’re folks are looking for an authentic relationship as opposed to that spoon-fed relationship that we’re fed. How do I create that authentic relationship, an authentic bond with spirit? That’s definitely saved my life in so many ways. It’s still saving my life, especially after 2020. I needed to dig deep. I needed deeper resources. I’m writing another book now. Do you want to know what it is about?

I’d love to hear what it’s about.

It’s a whole book on angel wealth magic. It’s not one day.

I love it.

I started playing with it a lot. Talk about manifesting, it was like blowing my mind when I started using my tools. I started working with some angels that are lesser-known, not the archangels, other angels that are lesser-known but found in the ancient texts and grimoires. I started working with those and it was mind-blowing. I was like, “We have to do our next book on this.” Do we need some resources now? We need to get creative with how we’re approaching life, which is why I love the work that you’re doing. You also are teaching people how to hack the system a little bit.

Not have to subscribe to corporate working and a lot of people are quitting their jobs now and starting their own businesses. I have people commenting on my posts like, “I just quit my job, and I’m following my passions.” I’m like, “Congratulations.” I’m super supportive of that. Even my friends know I’m an advocate for you quitting your job and following your passions. The universe ultimately will reward you for following your passions always.

It’s a little tricky in the beginning. Sometimes it could take a while. I always say like, “You leave the corporate job. What’s the worst thing that happens?” I always recommend people having a good plan and some sustainable form of some things, get a savings going or something. The corporate world isn’t going anywhere. You can always go back if things don’t work out, but it’s crazy. It’s tricky. What I left was my one-on-one practice. It was a great practice. I loved doing it, but then I was called to start working more internationally, online, and doing that stuff, which I didn’t know much about. The bottom line was like, “I could go back to the other thing if this doesn’t work.” I think we make it life and death when it’s not.

The universe ultimately will reward you for always following your passions.

It’s not, definitely.

There is another thing that you said in your TikTok. It says, “Realizing you lost friends on the spiritual path because you are healing wounds that called them friends.” I don’t know if I wrote it down wrong, but it’s like when you have a spiritual activation, you’re on the spiritual path. I counsel a lot of my clients along the way about their shifting relationships once they start inviting in their spiritual life and embodying it that sometimes people fall away. I’m assuming that has happened to you. That’s part of the process for you as well. Can you tell me a little bit more about what inspired you about that message? It’s such an important message.

A lot of times, this journey can be a bit lonesome. It’s something that happened to me personally was I had a lot of friends who didn’t resonate with what I was saying. A lot of past teammates didn’t resonate with what I was saying. That’s where I had a lot of falling outs. I realized that it was not meant to be. Having certain people around me doesn’t dictate who I am, or having a multitude of friends doesn’t dictate who I am. That’s all part of this seeking validation.

Something I’ve had to realize is having a small, tight-knit group of people is better for my energetic field and what my manifestations are and not putting out ideas and keeping people who are inspiring around me. It’s interesting because those same people who in the beginning had the falling out, come back and like, “Bro, I’m wondering and asking questions now.” It’s interesting to see the full circle.

How can I get my hands on some more divider or what’s this angel book? It’s interesting the full circle that’s come around, and I’m always receptive and like, “Here are some tools that have helped me.” It’s been cool to see a lot of my past teammates who weren’t on board come around and be like, “I’m interested in this.” A lot of guys look at this and they’re like, “I got to be a guy, and this isn’t for me,” but it’s interesting because spirituality is for everyone.

Spirituality can come around when I started incorporating these practices and coming out of the spiritual closet as a psychotherapist. I was a psychotherapist by training. As a psychotherapist, it was weird territory to start being an angel person. There was some judgment going on. People were a little judgy. Here’s the truth. Those same people were like, “What are you doing?” They came back around and their therapists have done business coaching for them to help them step out of their tiny ass box, too.

When you start listening to the call, you don’t realize it, but you become an inspiration even to those people who seem to not understand what you’re doing in the beginning. Eventually, when they see you happier or you’re manifesting a life that’s different and dig a little bit more, they come around a little bit. Note to self, whoever’s reading, if you are losing some friends now, it may not be forever, but keep walking your path. I wanted to ask you because you like to help people live their ultimate lives and fulfill their dreams from what you’ve seen. What do you feel maybe is the number one obstruction for them that blocks them from making it happen?

It’s a lot of limiting beliefs that are tied to the past, like childhood. I think a lot of times, the trauma that we sustained at a younger age comes up and limits us from being able to take that step. It tries to protect and keep us in a comfortable space to not take that step. That’s a lot of times hard. It’s risky. It’s not pretty, but a lot of times, I’ve found that working through that when working through those traumas has accelerated the process for people.

That’s what you sometimes help your clients with as well as working through some of that stuff. It can get thick if people haven’t explored that. That is a big one. I think more and more people are curious about the invisible body condom. You’re trying to move forward, but you get bounced back. That childhood trauma can be one of those barriers that keep people trapped and blocked. I have one more question for you. I know you do a lot of manifesting and help people with manifesting. I was wondering if you could share one of your favorite manifesting techniques with our people.

One of my favorite manifesting techniques is utilizing mirrors to manifest. Mirrors are essentially portals. I usually say either write out your manifestations on the mirror and read them back to yourself every day or write out your manifestation on a piece of paper and look in a mirror and say it to yourself. Mirrors speed up manifestations like no other.

I have never heard that. Do you have to meditate on anything in particular or do you have to like envision that a door’s opening or do you paste it on your mirror and go thing?

Essentially, you write out what you want and get yourself in a state of mind of calm or closer to a brainwave state through meditation, deep breathing and then you look at the mirror you read it out. Whether it be you want to bring in a new house, like for instance, I had a client who I helped manifest a new house. What she did was look at the mirror as a way into her house. It’s like a door into her house.

Magical Manifesting: The trauma that we sustained at a younger age comes up and limits us from being able to take that step.

That’s good. I’m in the process of manifesting another house myself. Tell them to make sure to try that one. That’s a juicy one. Thank you for that. Is there anything else that you’d love for our readers to know?

Honestly, just the fact of speaking from experience, the spiritual journey is always the easiest, and if there’s something that’s been holding you back, this is your sign to take that next step and do whatever it is that you’ve been hesitant about doing.

If people want to follow you or even book a kick-ass healing session with you, where would they go for that?

My website is www.TheKingOfPentacles.me. That’s where you can find everything you need and TikTok @TheKingOfPentacles.

I am so happy to meet you finally and to share your awesome wisdom with my community. You are such an inspiration. I’m so happy to have you inspire other people to step on, up and out and listen to their guidance and do some weird and see what happens. Amazing things can happen. You’re a walking proof. We will hopefully stay in touch. If you guys are interested in having a session with Oge, you can go to www.TheKingOfPentacles.me. Party on, everybody. Thanks, Oge.

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About Oge Udeogu

TGV S2 7 | Magical ManifestingOge is a 5th generation shaman, Manifestation expert, Meditation guru and certified Reiki master. Oge’s clientele includes high-profile business owners, models, athletes, and celebrities.

He has built a following on social media of over 150,000 people, spreading the wisdom of spirituality, manifestation, and teaching people like you how to use their energy to create the life they truly want. Oge developed a signature 5 step process to ensure long-lasting, full-spectrum energetic and shamanic healing.

Oge grew up in Nigeria and is a former All-American Football player and was on his way to the NFL when his life took a huge turn. The ancestors chose him to wake up as he was visited in his dream by his dead grandfather and was shown his soul journey which is to continue their lineage of shamanic healers & empower others to become the truest versions of themselves.