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TruthSeekah: Seeking The Truth About Angels, Demons And Psychedelics With Derek Grosskurth

By May 7, 2020Podcast
TGV 2 | Seeking Truth

TGV 2 | Seeking Truth


Seeking truth is an all-encompassing experience because so much of the truth of the world is hidden underneath the surface we’re familiar with. But once you’ve learned to see past the surface, you perceive and realize so much more about the energies and elements that surround us – they’re much closer than you think. Corin Grillo is joined by Amazon bestselling author, hip-hop artist, and renowned Christian mystic Derek Grosskurth, best known as TruthSeekah. Corin and Derek talk about how one can begin seeking truth about the hidden world around them. Your journey towards the truth begins here. Let Corin and Derek be your guides to discovering truths that will change the way you perceive the world.

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TruthSeekah: Seeking The Truth About Angels, Demons And Psychedelics With Derek Grosskurth

In this episode, you get to meet TrueSeekah. He is a fascinating human and I can’t wait for you to meet him. Let me tell you a little about him. This is just the tip of the iceberg. He is a Christian mystic. He is an Amazon bestselling author, a visionary hip hop artist and he is a fascinating human who is into fascinating things.

TrueSeekah, you have an interesting background and mission. I don’t know a lot of Christian mystics that are also hip hop artists and have that beautiful flavor that you have. I’m curious as to what happened? How did all that come to be? You can start anywhere.

I always go back to my childhood having mystical experiences as a little kid. I trace everything back to waking up in the middle of the night. I was four years old being pinned down and having a sleep paralysis experience. I feel like that experience planted all of these thoughts and questions in my mind of wanting to know what it was. As I begin to grow up, asking these deeper questions and be at sleepovers, hangouts and telling ghost stories like, “Have you guys ever had this happened to you?” You’d hear somebody say, “Yes, I had something similar.” Little pieces all stemming back to that. I trace a lot of them back to different mystical experiences in my life, whether it was that or then thinking that you see a ghost or watching a supernatural, scary movie. The interest ties back to being four years old having that encounter.

It is something that led me to ask the bigger questions in life and do my own research. It doesn’t happen that way for everybody. Some people have it, they just forget about it and suppress it or they’re scared to talk about it. I wanted to know what was going on. That dictated the path of my life when I was four years old, at birth almost. I traced a lot of the mystical experiences and stuff back to that. We’ve been studying that a lot. What is sleep paralysis? Some of the questions and theories that I’ve come up with. I interviewed a woman who came up with a lot of similar theories about being called as a psychic, as a healer, as one who is bringing forth gifts to the Earth from the other side. There are these guardians that are scaring you away from tapping into your destiny. Anything divine, anything spiritual that you’re scared of the dark, you’re scared of the unknown, you’re scared to ask, “Who is that in the corner of my room waking up in the middle of the night?” These questions and things have led me to have my own experiences and brought me to where I am.

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I love that you’re saying that because I have the same experience. I usually talk about it in the framework of when you’re about to take any quantum leap or do any soul-driven mission like you’re talking about. Not like about learning, but you’re actually about to actualize and step into your mission. I feel like that’s when your real gatekeepers come out. It could be sleep paralysis or it could be just petrifying fear. It could be getting shot back into your childhood or your teenage years of you starting to do the same addictions all over again. I like to think that I am the queen of self-sabotage. I’m good at it.

I’ll say that I’ve gotten better. I can identify I’m in my life and now that I know it’s a thing like I’m conscious of it. It’s like, “Don’t do anything else like that.”

That’s interesting that you’re equating that sometimes with sleep paralysis too because I think that when it comes to darkness, I have great respect for it. Their job is so special. I feel like the panic, the terror, the fear or the sleep paralysis, or whatever it is. Thank goodness there’s a gatekeeper because you might not be ready for the next level without a little trial or test.

We were talking about my book. That’s exactly what my book is about.

He’s got this kick-ass book called Spirit Realm. I love this book and I was stoked to read it because you have such a great ability to pull because you know the Bible so well. The way that you weave mystical truth through the Bible, which is how I read the Bible, but not everybody reads it like that. I was refreshed by it. Let’s talk about why you said that like your book.

The whole term that I used here, the sovereignty of God. The book is Spirit Realm: Angels, Demons, Spirits, and the Sovereignty of God. The whole sovereignty of God thing catches people off-guard. They think it’s more of a religious book than a spiritual or a cult-type book. What I was trying to unpack is the fact that you have the ecosystem of heaven, the Easters, the different dimensions and the lower realms. All of these entities that reside on these different levels of density in the spirit world and that they are created entities and beings carry out a job. They are created to do something. It’s not God that leaves his throne or comes down and makes something happen to teach you a lesson. They are these lessons and a few courses, things, tests, trials, and pop quizzes that are set up and they’re carried out by the different entities. The guardians, you’ve got to get past these guys. You’ve got to prove yourself worthy. You have to overcome. You have to respond with love, which is the way to pass all of them to be able to ascend to the higher levels and encounter beautiful beings and things like that. These lower-level guys, they’re not evil. They’re not wicked. They’re entities that have a job to do and they do it very well.

What you’re saying is killing me in such a good way. I haven’t learned about this stuff necessarily through the books, but it’s through the experience of being a healer, working with my process, and then helping others. I’ve grown to have great respect and compassion for these beings, which I feel in a way sacrificed their connection with the divine in a sense. Because in order to tow that kind of energy, you have to be so polar opposite from the light. What I’ve felt is that they have separated from the light to do their role, but it’s like a sacred role.

I think they’re still connected though. It’s almost like God or the Light is saying, “Well done. You did well.” Even though we would think it’s wicked or evil, it’s only for a period of time. Our relationship with these demons after the fact, we’re like, “Thanks so much for coming into my life and teaching me something that you could only teach me. I couldn’t have learned it from an angel or whatever.”

I almost feel like they become our allies. It’s like you shift your relationship, your frequency, and then everything around you shifts. When I say separate from God because they have to live in the dark to pull that kind of fear and energy. I don’t think anything officially is separate from God, but I would not necessarily want that role because imagine what that feels like 24/7. You’re always working to separate because I feel like their job is to help separate us from each other and God, in a way. Not in a bad way, but we need separation in order to love. I love that you’re saying that and that you come to the same conclusion.

The book gives a biblical representation of these different obscure scriptures and stuff where God is sending evil angels, spirits of infirmity or even messengers of Satan. God is letting these things go out.

[bctt tweet=”There are these guardians that are scaring you away from tapping into your destiny.” via=”no”]

Can you give us a story?

There’s an interesting story in the Bible where King Saul was persecuting David. King Saul got caught up in his pride and he was jealous of David. Any of these emotions that we’re walking in, we wallow in them and stay too long, there’s an essence or a vibration, these spirits are feelings. They make you feel a certain type of way, madness, vexation of spirit and insecurity. All of these things are what we would call spirits or demons. The negative ones we’d call demons and things, but they are sensations. They’re an essence or vibration. Saul was vexed with an evil spirit and it would torment him. There is a text in the Bible that says that it’s an evil spirit sent from God.

Most of us would read over that and say, “He was vexed by an evil spirit,” but several times over says it was sent from God. Why is God sending evil spirits to torment people? It’s because of the things that he was doing. He was bitter. He was jealous. It was causing him to want to plot out David’s death. He’s wallowing in this self-pity like, “What can I do?” There are spirits that accompany those thought forms and patterns. It was vexation for him. He needed solace. The only time that he could find solace from that as when David would play the harp to him, and we’re talking about vibrational frequencies, beautiful healing tones, and the string instrument of a Psalmist. Anytime that he was in a state of madness, David would play the harp and the evil spirit would subside.

It’s showing you the power of worship, music and healing tones, even the key of David, which a lot of people talk about. That’s just one example of an evil spirit being sent from God to accompany these feelings and the things that Saul was entertaining. I know Job is one that we all go to, but there are many more instances where it talks about that God is in heaven and Satan and all these other types of angels and spirits would present themselves before God. When there was something on the Earth that needed to happen, they would have this big council. It’s called the Divine Council of the Elohim. They would petition God, “Let me go down and deal with the inhabitants of the Earth. Let me be the alliance spirit. Let me be a seducing spirit. Let me be this or that. Let me be a plague,” and different things that that happen.

They would submit themselves and God would say, “You go down and you do that.” It’s something that we would say was negative or harmful, but it was to chastise you, to teach you a lesson. God chastises us those who loves. We’re not a bastard. We have a father who loves us and cares about us and we have to be corrected. God uses what we would call our enemies, evil spirits or people to teach us lessons. We’re talking about burning bridges, self-sabotaging, and jealousy. These people bring out stuff that is within us and it has to come out because God is refining us in his fire seven times over that will come out as pure gold. We’ve got to get all of that bad stuff out. These spirits and all that stuff are sent from God in this big ecosystem. It’s a beautiful process and we’re part of that. Especially looking back over our lives, we can see how this happened with the demons. Most of us were in a bad place when we got into this. We weren’t so good. It’s part of that hammering process.

I was born with angels on my lap talking to them, chatting with them. I love how you call it an ecosystem. I love reading your book because of that. For me, your book was validating because I do not come from a religious background. I’ve become more respectful of religion the more I’ve become a mystic because you open up to the truths that are hanging out in open space. I love that aspect of your book. Most of us didn’t come with angels and all of this amazing wisdom. Most of us had demonic trials. I’m curious about what yours are and if you’d mind sharing a little bit about some of your trials and tribulations.

The biggest part was a concoction of a few things of growing up without a father in the house, searching for identity and a place to belong. I got into gang activity and gang involvement as adolescence. Breaking into houses and robbing people as a teenager. Mixed with the cult stuff of the supernatural and the paranormal, I was getting into a lot of that stuff as well early on. I was getting into the satanic Bible and some of the darker rituals. I was mixing this lifestyle of drinking, doing drugs, and ripping people off, lying, cheating, stealing, all of that. Mixing it with cultism, trying to summon and tap into other spirits. Doing these meditations and these incantations trying to summon them, none of them worked until at the same time they all worked.

All of these weeks of doing all these rituals, it’s like I opened up a portal to the other side. I was being pulled in and out of trances. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t understand what these entities were saying. It was shapes and colors. It was fear and my heart was racing and I’m turning pale. I would come back gasping for breath and it’s like, “I opened up Pandora’s Box and I have no idea how to close it.” In and out of that was a lot of different experiences of entities appearing to me and physical beings that would appear out of thin air. I was cursed and vexed opening up those doors and not taking the right precautions and doing it the right way.

Whenever you tap into those other realms, whatever you’re doing in your physical waking reality, that’s the level that you’re vibrating at. If you’re doing all of these things like I was, stealing, robbing, cheating, and lying. When I tapped into the other side and opened up a portal, those beings that resonate at that level, that hang around, those type of feelings, emotions, and deeds who said hello? I was going schizophrenic. It was bad. I was fifteen when all this was happening. That’s when I call it out for God and got back into the church and started to try to get cleaned up, close all those doors, receive prayer, healing and walk through deliverance.

For me, I felt like I was at the brink of death, and literally, I couldn’t look people in the eyes. I couldn’t have a conversation with somebody. I was seeing spirits that nobody else can see. It tormented me. It wasn’t fun. The movies and things made it look fun, but when it was time to come down to it, it becomes a reality. It was like a horror movie. It wasn’t like some of the beautiful movies that talk about this stuff. That was on September 7th of 2000 that I made that travel home and back to God. I started doing the Christian thing and getting back to the church and doing that. My walk began to evolve and going the Christian realm for a couple of years and then going deeper and deeper into some of the books that were taken out.

The mystical experiences that I was having in my prayer time and reading about them in the Bible. Those encounters that I would read about, I would have the dreams and visions of God speaking and the angelic. Now that my life was changed and I was walking in the light as he is in the light, I’m having beautiful encounters in the spirit realm. I’m having beautiful encounters with the divine and entities on the other side because I’m not doing all of that stuff. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do everything. For the biggest part, that was when everything came to a head. That was my darkness. Not everybody makes it out of that and I was lucky to make it out with my sanity and be here to talk about it.

I don’t know if we’ve ever talked about this, but in my early twenties, I had very similar experiences. I was doing a lot of drugs, specifically crystal meth, which will dial you into the demons if you’re remotely psychic. I didn’t know I was, so I didn’t know what I was doing. Plus, I was studying a little Aleister Crowley at the time and going into the rituals. It’s crazy that you were doing that too. I think it’s one way to get here and to explore. I love what you’re saying because that is my perspective too. If you’re working from a place of power and you want to have power and you’re underdeveloped that you still have this fear and nastiness inside of you, that is exactly what you’re going to get. I didn’t have the hauntings that you did, but I saw some demons and had enough experience to go, “Maybe it’s time to put this thing down for a little while. I’m just going to go back to my studies at UCLA.”

I’ve heard countless stories about crystal meth and the spirit realm.

It’s intense. I loved it on the one hand because I want to know. I’m curious. I was designed for spiritual things, but that was a little much. It was my first entry into, “Some cans just kicked themselves across the room. Nothing’s in here.” I like what you’re saying and I love how in a way that your recipe was Christianity and that was your medicine to move you through that. You mentioned the other books. I’m curious about Christianity. I’ve been a little butthurt over the years of talking about angels and doing my mystical thing because I get a lot of email from a Born Again Christians calling me evil and calling everybody evil.

TGV 2 | Seeking Truth

Seeking Truth: All of these entities that reside on different levels of density in the spirit world are entities created to carry out a specific job.


I’ve always understood for me, Jesus has always felt like a mystic or been a mystic to me as well as all the prophets. They are not listening always to the traditions of the time. There’s newness coming in and they’re listening to the new age, the new dawn. With the old books, can you talk a little bit more about those, because maybe a lot of people don’t know that the Bible was redacted and was designed and some books were taken out? The one I’m familiar with is the Gospel of Thomas, which is a big Gnostic text. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Those books came together with the Council of Nicaea, which books were going to make it into the Bible and of which ones wouldn’t, there are so many books.

Do you know what year that was?

I don’t know 100% but I’m going to say 320AD.

It was probably 300 or 400 years After Jesus. They’re getting together and there’s all these books and gospels, then what happens?

They pick and choose which ones are going to go in there. I like the books that are in there as far as the 66. The Bible isn’t one book. It’s a compilation of a bunch of little books and in the New Testament, there’s letters, the gospels, and cryptic message of revelation, the end. As far as it telling a story, there would be these other books that were like, “That doesn’t fit,” or “We took a rabbit trail, we need to bring it in.” It’s telling the story of humanity, our struggle, and then redemption through Christ.

A lot of the stuff that’s in there, I’m cool with it, but I’m curious about the ones that were taken out. Why did they take them out? Why didn’t they fit and what was in there? Some scholars would say because they weren’t inspired, or the scripture says that all of it is inspired. All of it is God-breathed and it’s used for instruction, exhortation, rebuke and things. What was in there? We started finding out. Some of the stuff that was in there, the people who put those books together were involved with some spirits that weren’t good. We started reading about that in The Book of Enoch, which was a known book at the time. It talks about the angelic and the fall of these angels who came down and dealt with mankind and took wives for themselves, the women of Earth.

It talks about the mixing of this breed and the type of wickedness that came forth on the Earth. Enoch is a big one, The Book of Jasher, then you have the Gnostic texts like you were talking about, but there’s so many. I did a video where I go through and show all of these other books that are mentioned in the Bible. You’re reading a Bible and it starts quoting some weird prophet that you’ve never heard of and he’s not in the Bible, but they’re reading his book. It says, “As it is written in the book of Shemaiah the Prophet, thou shall…” It’s like, “Who is Shemaiah and where is his book?” The book of Iddo to Prophet. You probably never heard of these names and I haven’t either.

We read the read over them, but these were books that the early Israelites had in the early church. The interesting thing is the Catholic Bible left the Apocrypha in there, which is fourteen extra books that were actually in the King James version early on. There are some interesting things in there and the Catholics believe a lot of that stuff, and it’s part of their faith. They read, they study and they teach from those books. The Protestants are like, “What are these books? If they’re not in the Bible, they’re heretical.” There are some interesting things in there, stuff about the afterlife, angels and demons. The journey that the soul goes on once we leave this body and we go to have another place that we’re going to reside. There are detailed, adventures and stuff and places that you would go through. A lot of stuff was taken out. There’s a lot of interesting stuff that’s in there and that it’s quoted in the Bible. The Bible quotes Enoch. It’s quoted in Jude and a couple of other places.

They leave little pebbles in there so you can follow the trail. It’s informative because I get confused when people say, “The Bible says,” because people think of it as one book and you don’t look at some of the history and how it’s a cherry-picked book.

Any of us who are reading the Bible is cherry-picking. There’s no way for us to be a so-called scholar or an expert on all of the different levels of revelation that there are to it. You can give yourself over to a life of study of one portion of the scriptures and each time you read it in the depths of it. Going back to the Hebraic understanding of what it meant to them versus what it means to you. The spiritual, the literal, the allegorical, the metaphorical. There are different ways to read the Bible and understand. For any denomination or any religion to act like they are the expert or end-all to any of it that we’re just deceiving ourselves because there’s so much. We just pick and choose what we like, what stands out to us, what we want to study for that given portion of our lives. You’ll have ministries and people who are good at quoting and studying the scriptures that ended up being right on about so many things. Other things they introduced and they totally miss the meaning as, “Hold on. No.” For someone to think that they have it all figured out, that’s not what the Bible teaches. There’s no way that we could but we can try.

Everyone thinks they’ve got it nailed sometimes, “I finally figured it out.”

Cracking the code is love. If you understand that and you approach it with love, you’ve got it figured out. You understand the meaning of every story. Supernatural and divine love for your enemies, for your brethren, for your body for taking care of your temple. Love is the essence of the whole thing. If we read it with that, then we can read in the newness of life versus reading it as a history book or trying to condemn someone.

That’s the one thing that most mystics agree on, no matter what religion you look at, whether they’re indigenous religions or prominent, bigger religions. When you take it down to its essence, it’s about love. It’s simple when you think about it.

[bctt tweet=”The Bible is the story of our humanity: our struggle and then redemption through Christ.” via=”no”]

It’s so simple that we miss it.

It can’t be that easy.

People get mad when you tell them it’s that easy.

We’re lazy. It’s about love.

They want to define love and break it down. You can keep going in it but at love, it gets deeper and deeper. It’s expansive and inclusive.

Something else that I love what you talk about and part of your passion, which is different than a lot of people who follow a specific religion or they follow Jesus or whatever is your respect for plant medicine. I have a deep respect for plant medicine and all the medicines that are coming from the planet to come to cure the heart of humanity. Can you tell me a little bit about your journey in that and how you managed to work that into your Christian mystic model?

It changed my life, having a suicidal encounter with some friends. It was something that I was studying by listening to several podcasts and something that I felt like piqued my interest. In some of these stories that I was hearing, people were doing psilocybin and ayahuasca. They were talking to their ancestors. There were these angelic beings that were approaching them. I would be fascinated with these stories as I’m fascinated with the spirit world. There was a fear there because I want it to do it, but I did not want to go back to the demonic possession, given myself over to demons for eight hours because you hear some horror stories. That was keeping me away from it. That memory and thought was the guardian of me stepping into the next level.

Remembering like, “You know how those demons are,” and I don’t want to do anything that would open up a door or allow me to go back to that. I barely made it out. I ended up doing it as something that called out to me and I gave it proper research, respect and approached it as a sacrament and something that was calling out to me. We did two different men’s retreat. One was a smaller dose and going in. I had this revelation about my life and about where I’m supposed to go and how to get there, which are these downloads and I wrote them all down. It was communicating with God in this loving manner that was like, “This is where you’re at, this is where you want to go. I’m going to show you how to get there. You already have everything you need. Don’t look outside of yourself.” It’s this loving force telling me that.

Several months later, we did another one where I was taken out of my body. These angelic beings were teaching me, traveling with me through portals, wormholes and I got to go where we go when we die and see what energy. It was mind-blowing. There was oneness there that was so much that I do a bad job at even trying to explain it. That was communicated to me for me to unpack. It would take months and even years to unpack them. It changed my life. Relating that back as far as trying to find Bible verses or anything of whether that fits in a Christian worldview. There are some obscure things in the Bible talking about manna. The manna that would rain down from heaven and it would come up with the dew in the mornings. A lot of people, when they go out to collect mushrooms, it’s with the dew of the early morning. When the sunrises, they’re destroyed and they weather up. That was the thing with manna. The word manna means, “What is this?” The children of Israel were fed in the wilderness with manna from heaven. There are some interesting things about it if it was mushrooms and the psychedelic obstacles.

I like that creative interpretation. It comes up with dew. What else could it be?

I’m a little critic there as well, just because I don’t think that everybody was having those experiences. In the Bible that was Moses and Aaron who were having these mystical encounters with God. It wasn’t regular people. If it was magic mushrooms, then nobody would’ve needed a teacher. Nobody would’ve needed a leader. They all could’ve gone straight to God by having the mushrooms themselves. There are some interesting things there. Again, going back to the Acacia bush and this burning bush in the midst of the desert and psychedelics. There were things that they would drink to induce a trance state. There’s a lot of interesting things in there. I don’t think that any of them are definitive, but they are interesting. I think that what we can judge by it is the fruit of it.

What type of essence does it bring to the table? Are you more loving? Are you angrier? Are you better with people now? Most of us are doing the inner work. We’re championing healing. We want healing after having some type of encounter. That and going back to a lot of different types of plant medicine, whether it be dealing with essential oils and what that does for the human body and our anatomy. We’re fearfully and wonderfully made. When we smelled these fragrances and aromas it puts our body in a trance and relaxed state. You could be stressed out of your mind and in certain smells that you put on, you just relaxed, sinking into the couch just by smelling it. This all throughout the scriptures of the priest going into God’s presence by burning incense. It puts the body into an induced trance state.

Frankincense and myrrh, those things that were given to the savior when he came to the Earth from the prophets. A lot of interesting stuff when it comes to dealing with some of these plants that we were given that comes from the Earth. Chamomile tea is a cool one that I use. Tobacco and sage that the ancients would use to ward off spirits. There’s so much and we can see how the Bible embraces some of those things and doesn’t speak against them like we’ve been told.

That’s such an important point because I do feel that there’s a swell in the collective unconscious of the feminine, nature, and the prominence of nature. Looking at the solar God is no longer appropriate. I feel like there’s an upswell from the Earth as well who’s been neglected from our consciousness. We’ve done whatever we wanted with her and abused her, put concrete all over her. There’s a part of me that feels that the plants themselves are coming back to help cure us like the plants that you’re talking about. There’s this deep feminine wisdom that’s re-emerging that we do see all over the Bible like you’re saying is making a big comeback. Any thoughts on that?

TGV 2 | Seeking Truth

Seeking Truth: Anyone reading and interpreting the Bible is cherry-picking. There’s no way to be a so-called scholar on all the different levels of revelation contained within it.


I’m 100% with you. That’s the narrative that I choose to take with everything going on with the Coronavirus and all that. Being outside right now is different. I know we’re changing seasons, but the birds are singing louder. The air is clearer, the trees are greener. Whether it’s just our perception of it, but we’re giving it a break. There’s not as much pollution and stuff in the sky. I feel like it’s a time for us to reconnect with nature like grounding and spiritual practice, going back to the Earth. The Earth is our mother. That’s where we came from. The way I look at it as God as a father, and this is what he is to me. The mother is the Earth. It’s almost like God sticks his finger in the Earth and impregnates the Earth and we come out of our mother’s womb. Our bodies are going back to the mother. Our essence is going back to be with God who gave it. God is everything. God is the Earth too. There’s nothing that isn’t God. Hopefully, that’s what the demons, the experiences, and stuff show that God is in all and through. He created it and his fingerprint is on it.

Knowing that we are returning to the indigenous ways. They’re crying out. The scripture says that we need to return to the ancient path and it says, “If you do that, there you’ll find rest for your soul.” The ancient path is calling back out. What is that? It is the indigenous ways. It is plant medicine. It is returning to spiritual practice, walking in the spirit, which we’ve lost because we’ve accepted religion, we’ve stepped into the technological age and we’ve left our connection with plants behind. There are a resurgence and a reemergence of these things. People are waking up all over the Earth and they’re going back to these ayahuasca retreats and ceremonies. You host retreats and I do as well and I’m sold out.

I’ve done two that I’ve started. People are just like, “Where do I sign up? I want in,” and a lot of Christians, because I’ve been vocal. I’m doing my work. I presented it, “You don’t have to abandon your faith to believe in some of these things, to check out some of these things.” I’ll show you that they’re even in the Bible. There are essences and obscure verses that even talk about the angelic, aliens, angels, elemental spirits, and connecting with the Earth. The Bible even talks about if we listen to the birds, the birds will teach us. If we listen to the wind, the wind would teach us. Honing in on things like that. Let’s listen to the Earth and birds. These were tribal people. These people were primitive. They’re dancing around the fire and playing drums. It was a beautiful thing that we’ve lost.

I agree 100% with everything that you’re saying. I did a global ritual that was so much of the information coming through. It’s our mother too. Our bodies are given to us and our Father gave us her spirit and this beautiful resurgence. What I’m envisioning is a beautiful marriage between these two because they belong together.

I got a meditation that I did with ASMR sound effects where I had hired voice actors to come in and play the parts too. I’ll lead you on a journey up from the heart chakra all the way up to the sky. You’re going through the clouds and pass the trees and you meet with Father God who embraces you. There are some words that he gives you, embraces you into his bosom. There’s a voice actor who plays almost like an old Gandalf character. You go back to your body and then you go to the ground. You’d go down from the heart down through the root, to the center of the Earth, you’re hearing the rocks and magma and then you embrace the mother. You have this encounter with the father and the mother and both becoming one. You come back to your body and then understand that you didn’t have to go anywhere for that to happen. You didn’t have to do anything. You are always connected. Being mindful of it is pretty powerful.

That sounds amazing. There is something else that I just channeled also about prayer. A lot of us when we’re praying, we’re sending it up to God and heaven. The new thing that I feel is you send your prayer down to Earth too. It’s both ways because of his mother and father. I feel like there’s going to be a lot more of that information coming through like a partnering of the different kinds of divine and the incredible allies we have for us.

I’ve been big on that especially my Christian audience is getting a little bit bigger. I’m being a little bit more vocal and stuff about my faith. A lot of people are getting into a lot of this stuff too. A lot of them are against the Earth stuff. They’ve been told that Earth is cursed and that plant medicines or even elemental spirits that dwell within the plant kingdoms, over the rocks, the wind, and the waves, these entities are even bad or negative. It’s like they have a job and we are connected and have a relationship with all of them. I’ve been vocal about returning back to the Earth and remembering the mother. It has been hard with some of the church crowd who already think that the Earth cursed and fallen. I’m trying to change that idea.

Someone’s got to do it because I feel like that’s where the suffering is. People who are still trying to make some separation. You said the Earth is calling you and you can’t feel love.

We’re a curse too.

Back to love and I feel like we have an opportunity. The window is open. I have another friend who’s like super ultra-Mormon who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. I took them to Peru with me during a journey that we did. We did San Pedro, Huachuma. It’s the first time he had done plant medicine. Now he’s a huge advocate and plans on doing what you’re doing. This movement of this is not evil, this is curing us.

The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from above if it’s good and it’s helping you. If he was doing crystal meth, that’s different. You judge the fruit of it. No matter what it is, if it’s beautiful, if it’s a good and perfect gift, it’s from God. If it points back to love, forgiveness, and overcoming your addiction, it’s not from the devil. It’s from the father of light.

I toe the line because I speak a lot about angels, which means I have a lot of also Christians in my following. I’m weaving in the Earth medicine or at least the Earth awareness and the connection with the Earth as well. Those of us who are on the mystical path is hearing it and doing our best to tell people.

It’s totally working. For the longest time, I’ve been known as a forerunner in this because I’ve talked about it and early on, I got judged, I got laughed at, “Stay away from me.” More people are now feeling more comfortable and they’re watching other documentaries and they’re having their questions. They’re open. I was a forerunner but now other Christians are talking about this. It’s cool and I know because there was no other. I was one of the first ones, if not the first one to use my platform to start talking about this from a Christian perspective. You don’t have to renounce your faith to believe in this stuff.

It’s cool to see what I’ve done with my platform and the conversations being had and people are going on retreat. I’m doing these retreats, not all of them are Christians but the majority of them are and they’re saying yes. They’re doing their research. I tell people like, “I don’t want to promote anything. I don’t want to like try to coax you into doing something.” We’ll talk about our experiences, but I feel like it is alive and it is a spirit. If it’s calling to you, then you have to do it. I don’t want to be like, “You should do it. Give it a try.” It’s convincing somebody that like, “Here’s what happened to me.” There are tons of medical research. Go to WebMD. All across the board know that amazing research out there. Not even any woo-woo spiritual, “Seeing angels changed my life.” There is none of that. Go to the medical community and if it’s curing depression or people losing their fear of death and overcoming addictions.

[bctt tweet=”It’s a time to reconnect with and ground ourselves in nature.” via=”no”]

Everybody has got to do the research.

It speaks for itself. I don’t have to speak for it.

I love where all of that’s headed to because I’m a psychotherapist too. The mental health aspect is important and the fact that many of these medicines grow back brains. They don’t shrink them. I have many friends who have successfully microdose with psilocybin and were super depressed. The list goes on of benefits. I love that about your work. Everything you do is cool, TruthSeekah.

Thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing and what you bring to the table. I know we’ve been talking about me and my story, but how was your experience going up to Denver?

George Noory’s actual Gaia show is called Beyond Belief. Here’s what they do. They pick you up in a black car. You don’t even have to Uber. You go to this fancy hotel, which is so nice. They picked me up the next morning. They took me to the studio, the studio is super small, but the guest right before me had twenty-something alien implants. I was looking at her like, “I’ve never met someone who had implants.” I’ve always believed in that. I believe in aliens, but the whole implant thing. When you see a person face-to-face who has magnetic skin that things hang off of, it’s like, “This is for real.” That was super cool. George Noory is sweet and comforting. I was as nervous as hell.

Is the episode up yet?

They said it’s going to be a couple of months. They couldn’t give us a real date. They said they switched things around a lot like the last minute. No, it’s not out yet. Go ahead and watch it. Also, you figure out who that guest is. I forget her name. You have to see that episode for sure too.

I was excited for you and seeing the pictures and stuff. That and going on coast to coast as well and him taking a liking to you and your story and what you bring to the table.

How can they find your goodness? Where can they look? You have your podcast and your website. Where’s the best place for them to find you?

I’m pretty much anywhere that you consume media, but you can go to TruthSeekah.com. Everything is on there, whether it’s my music, music videos, podcast, meditations, or one-on-one sessions. I lose track of everything I bring to the table, but it’s all on that site.

TruthSeekah, I feel that you and your work is a real gift. I want to do everything I can to support you and your mission. Please always let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

Likewise, my friend. The feeling’s mutual. I appreciate that and having you in my corner and I’m in yours. I’m rooting for you in anything that I can do to be of assistance, resource, retweet or share something out, let me know. It goes a long way. I remember one time, there was a big guy. He had a big following at the time and we would just hit each other up maybe once a month. It’s like, “Do you want to share this for me, I’ll share that for you?” “Sure.” They were cross-pollinating. We had a similar audience and I was like, “That’s what we need to do more,” versus people being, “These are my followers.” I’ll run into that too.

You’ve got to dig who you’re sharing. I love your work and I think it’s so awesome. I feel like we have such similar takes on things. I’m into it. I know my people will love it.

Thanks for having me. It’s been a blessing hanging out with you.

TGV 2 | Seeking Truth

Seeking Truth:l The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from above. If it points back to love, forgiveness, and overcoming your addiction, it’s not from the devil.


Thanks for coming in. I’ll have to have you on again. I like to learn more Bible stories.

I have a bunch of them and correlate them with regular stories and my stories too.

TruthSeekah, we’ll see you soon. Go check him out on his website. He’s got a cool website with lots of good stuff on there. Party down with TruthSeekah.

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About Derek Grosskurth

TGV 2 | Seeking TruthTruthSeekah is a Christian mystic, Amazon best selling author, visionary artist and seer with a vision to release the Spirit of Awakening. Also a songwriter, TruthSeekah has released over 200 songs, each one relating to the subject of spirituality. His journey has brought him through research and experience with the occult, paranormal, Christianity and the spirit realm. This has led him into many mystical encounters with God, angels, spirits, and many other supernatural beings. As the host of the TruthSeekah Podcast, he has interviewed hundreds of experts and leaders in their fields of supernatural, religious, philosophical, and paranormal studies. TruthSeekah has made it his life’s work to understand the spiritual realms and relate it back to people in a practical way. His desire is to help people embrace the reality of the spiritual world so they can walk in supernatural freedom in their lives.

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